Interchange level 3 - Unit 2


The Four Personality Types


 Learn English - English Job Vocabulary


Hello Class: Jobs, Learn English Vocabulary Online 


Real English® 24a Subtitled - "What do you do for a living?" Job - CC-Double 


Gerunds Phrases

What are English prefixes & suffixes? - How To Get Fluent In English Faster 



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Milka's Birthday

EIP Barahona 2013



It is an Englishman's program as foreign language of four daily hours taken to end in universities, institutes recognized by the education of the Englishman as foreign language and in centers under coordination of the MESCyT. In his phase pilot the above mentioned program had a duration of 600 hours. The classes are given totally in English and in all the spaces of the centers where there is executed the program, the whole personnel, including the students, they must speak only English.