Interchange Level 3 - Unit 6

What are complaints?

Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an action that is seen by the speaker as unfavorable. Suppose you want to complain about the pizza you have just ordered because it's too salty, what are the expressions needed to express and respond to complaints?


Here are expressions you can use when complaining:complaining
  • I have a complaint to make. ...
  • Sorry to bother you but...
  • I'm sorry to say this but...
  • I'm afraid I've got a complaint about...
  • I'm afraid there is a slight problem with...
  • Excuse me but there is a problem about...
  • I want to complain about...
  • I'm angry about...


I have a complaint to make.
Your pizza is just too salty.
I'm sorry to say this but
your food is inedible.
1. I'm afraid I've got a complaint about your child.He's too noisy .
2. I'm afraid there is a slight problem with the service in this hotel.
3.Excuse me but you are standing on my foot.
4. I want to complain about the noise you are making.
5. I'm angry about the way you treat me.

Responding to complaints

 Positive response to complaints:

  • I'm so sorry, but this will never occur / happen again.
  • I'm sorry, we promise never to do the same mistake again.
  • I'm really sorry; we'll do our utmost/best not to do the same mistake again.

 Negative response to complaints:

  • Sorry there is nothing we can do about it.
  • I'm afraid, there isn't much we can do about it.
  • We are sorry but the food is just alright.

Business English - Complaining & Disagreeing Politely and Effectively


with past participle as adjectives with nouns

The shirt is stained. It has a stain on the collar.
*The pen is leaking. It has a leak in it
The car is damaged in one side It has some damage on one side
The jacket lining is torn. It has a tear in it./There’s a hole in it.
The vase is cracked. There is a crack in it.
The glasses are scratched. There are a lot of scratches on it.

*Exception: is leaking is a present continuous form.
action taken (what needs to be done)

need + passive infinitive need + gerund

The car needs to be fixed. It needs fixing.
The chair needs to be repaired The chair needs repairing.
The walls need to be painted. They need painting.


Describe two problems with each thing, using past participle, or noun forms of the
following words; break, chip, dent, scratch, leak, tear, stain, crack. Then say what
needs to be done to fix them.

another video.

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Milka's Birthday

EIP Barahona 2013



It is an Englishman's program as foreign language of four daily hours taken to end in universities, institutes recognized by the education of the Englishman as foreign language and in centers under coordination of the MESCyT. In his phase pilot the above mentioned program had a duration of 600 hours. The classes are given totally in English and in all the spaces of the centers where there is executed the program, the whole personnel, including the students, they must speak only English.