Passages 1 - Unit 5

braggart: someone who is always talking too proudly about what they own or have done.

1 something that is customary is normal because it is the way something is usually done [= usual]
it is customary (for somebody) to do something
In some cultures it is customary for the bride to wear white.
2 [only before noun] someone's customary behaviour is the way they usually do things [= usual]:
Barbara answered with her customary enthusiasm.
1 [intransitive and transitive] to stop someone from continuing what they are saying or doing by suddenly speaking to them, making a noise etc:
Will you stop interrupting me!

Sorry to interrupt, but I need to ask you to come downstairs.

 I Wish I Hadn't Heard That! : Deseo que no hubiera oído eso!

lay-off [countable]
an occasion when an employer ends a worker's employment for a temporary period of time because there is not enough work:
more lay-offs in the car industry
to accidentally hear what other people are saying, when they do not know that you have heard:
I overheard part of their conversation.
[uncountable] information that is passed from one person to another about other people's behaviour and private lives, often including unkind or untrue remarks

Passages 1 - Unit 4

Early birds = early bird (Madrugador)
Night owls = Noctambulos (Nocturnos)
Boldfaced = negrita

noctámbulo, -la adj.
1   Que desarrolla su actividad principal durante la noche: el mochuelo y la lechuza son aves noctámbulas.
adj./s. m. y f.
2   Se aplica a la persona que tiene tendencia a realizar actividades durante la noche, especialmente si son diversiones.

In a reduced time clause, the subject of the clause is omitted and the verb is changed to
an -ing form. A time clause with before, after, or while can be reduced only if the
subject in the sentence's other clause is the same.

Before I go to sleep, I like to read.
Before going to sleep, I like to read.
I like to read before going to sleep.
Before the baby goes to sleep, his mother reads to him.

Phrasal verb

Verbos Compuestos-Inglés, Phrasal Verbs, TURN 

Vocabulary - though, although, even though, despite, in spite of 

Passages 1 - Unit 3

Top 10 Most Livable Cities in the World


Defining and non-defining relative clauses

That can be used for people or things in defining relative clauses. However, it cannot be used as
a replacement for where.

*Many of the people that live in Paris leave the city in August to vacation in other places.
*A statue of ducks that can be found in Boston is a popular tourist attraction for children.

That cannot be used in non-defining relative clauses. Who, which, or where are used instead.

*Cairo, which has fascinated Europeans for ages, draws countless European tourists each year.
*Our tour guide, who knew a great deal about souvenirs from the area, helped us to buy some
beautiful presents for our friends.

Non-Defining Relative Clause 

Order of Adjectives in English

adjectives and adverbs

Passages 1 - Unit 2

Mistakes and mysteries

What did I get myself into usually means what kinds of problems am I about to encounter

Past modals and phrasal modals of obligation
Some past modals and phrasal modals of obligation are stronger than others.

Strong obligation. To show that there was no choice about doing the action, use was/were to
or had to. Note that must is not used in the past. Instead, use had to.
My parents had to go to school on Saturdays.

Expectation. There was a general expectation that an action was required or prohibited.
She was supposed to talk to my professor after class. (But she probably didn 't.)
He wasn't supposed to drive the car to school. (But he probably did.)

Advisability. There was a good idea or a correct action in a particular situation, but it was
or was not done. He should have taken better notes in class. (But he didn't)
She shouldn't have bought such an expensive jacket. (But she did.)

Modal Verbs of Obligation

Modals with multiple uses
Degrees of certainty range from very certain to uncertain.

Very certain. To show that you think something was probable in the past, use must have,
must not have, can't have, or couldn't have.

Jake had a stomachache last night after dinner. He must have eaten too much.
Sofia was at a movie with me last night. You couldn't have seen her at the mall!
Uncertain. To show that you think something was possible in the past, use could have,
may have, might have, may not have, or might not have.

Jun Ho is usually here by now. He could / may / might have missed the bus this morning.
Tanya was supposed to meet me before school. She may / might not have gotten the message.

modals of lost opportunity

Listen this Podcast 

Past Modals: Should Have, Could Have, Would Have (Review)

Interchange Level 3 - Unit 16


Interchange Level 3 - Unit 15

social issue (also called a social problem or a social ill) is an issue that relates to society's perception of people's personal lives. Different societies have different perceptions and what may be "normal" behaviour in one society may be a significant social issue in another society. Social issues are distinguished from economic issues. Some issues have both social and economic aspects, such asimmigration. There are also issues that don't fall into either category, such as wars.
Thomas Paine, in Rights of Man and Common Sense, addresses man's duty to "allow the same rights to others as we allow ourselves". The failure to do so causes the birth of a social issue.

Tag Questions

Con las "question tags" en inglés terminamos las frases con una pregunta corta, de signo contrario, la cual se usa para pedir la opinión o buscar la aprobación del interlocutor. Equivalen en español a: ¿no es verdad?, ¿no?, ¿no es así?
I Am / I Am not / Are / Aren't / Is/ Isn't
Was / Wasn't / Were / Weren't
  • To go to Boston is the best choice, isn't it?Ir a Boston es la mejor opción, ¿no?
  • I am on the list of those who have passed the test, aren't I?Estoy en la lista de los que aprobaron el examen, ¿no?
  • Pearl and Nick aren't in position to buy such an expensive house,are they?Pearl y Nick no están en condiciones de comprar una casa tan costosa, ¿no?
  • I was at the office when Sarah got there, wasn't I?Yo estaba en la oficina cuando Sarah llegó, ¿no?
  • It was a great day to go fishing, wasn't it?Fue un buen día para ir a pescar, ¿no?
  • Your friends weren't expecting your call, were they?Tus amigos no esperaban tu llamado, ¿no?
  • We were having a good time at the party, weren't we?La estábamos pasando bien en la fiesta, ¿no?

¿Qué es un Question Tag en Inglés?

Milka's Birthday

EIP Barahona 2013



It is an Englishman's program as foreign language of four daily hours taken to end in universities, institutes recognized by the education of the Englishman as foreign language and in centers under coordination of the MESCyT. In his phase pilot the above mentioned program had a duration of 600 hours. The classes are given totally in English and in all the spaces of the centers where there is executed the program, the whole personnel, including the students, they must speak only English.